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Individuals recovering from mental health conditions and substance use disorder (SUD) may experience severe or persistent symptoms, including anxiety, cravings, and intrusive thoughts. Relapse prevention is an essential part of managing symptoms and side effects of SUD. Ensuring accountability for clients and providing relapse prevention generally does not involve repressing or avoiding the triggers of relapse. Instead, treatment focuses on...

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Individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) have a higher risk of experiencing physical injury and trauma, including traumatic brain injury (TBI). The presence of TBI may impact a client's emotional stability, physical health, cognition, moods, and behaviors. According to the Journal of Neurotrauma, research has shown "that drug or alcohol intoxication itself increases [the] probability of suffering a...

Recovery Community: The Healing Power of Connection and Engagement

According to the Journal of Clinical Medicine, recovery capital typically encompasses five domains. The five domains of recovery capital include human, social, financial, cultural, and community capital. Each domain is important, but the social, cultural, and community domains of recovery capital highlight the significance of connection in recovery....

The Importance of Safety and Security at Driftwood Recovery

One of the fundamental feelings a person must consistently have for mental wellness is safety and security. Without the ability to feel safe and secure, it's nearly impossible to maintain mental wellness. For example, it's difficult for those in treatment to progress if they are constantly afraid of physical and emotional harm. It's especially important now to stress how safe modern mental health treatment is, as its media portrayals are...

Why Alumni Programs Are Essential to Long-Lasting Recovery

After someone finishes treatment for an addiction and its co-occurring conditions, they can look forward to a variety of alumni programs. These programs are known as...

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Emotional regulation is a skill we begin to learn as young children. It allows us to recognize our emotions and express them. We spend this time learning to use healthy outlets for our emotions instead of unhealthy ones. However, if someone has struggled with trauma, abuse, and other factors beyond their control, they may bury...

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Professional athletes have an increased risk of experiencing substance use disorder (SUD) at some point in their lives. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, "Athletes drink and use drugs for several reported reasons; to socialize, self-medicate pain/anxiety, and help falling asleep [. . .] It is thought...

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According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), seven in ten and two in three adults consider themselves to be in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) and other mental health disorders respectively. In the process of recovering, you...

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According to “The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment,” the use of telecommunication and information technology in the health care system has been explored since the 1920s. From envisioning treating patients over the radio to establishing a closed-circuit television link between medical locations in the late 50s and early 60s, telehealth has been...

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In the past, older adults were less likely to be diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD). However, the "Baby Boomer" generation has an increased risk of experiencing SUD. According to Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, "The prevalence rates of substance use disorder (SUD) have remained high among this group as they age, and both the proportions and actual numbers of...


According to the American Institute of Stress, 83% of U.S. workers experience work-related stress. Work stress can harm a variety of wellness domains, including work performance and work relationships. Unfortunately, work stress does not stay at work as it is carried home and invades other aspects of your life. Therefore, understanding work stress is important to addressing well-being and sustaining your recovery post-treatment.



Chronic pain is a serious condition that affects countless people in the United States. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that there are 52.4 new cases of chronic pain per 1,000 persons per year. However, despite the increased rates of chronic pain cases, it's still known as the...

Fostering Compassion for Clients

Healthcare professionals play an essential role in helping clients and families feel comfortable engaging in treatment programs for substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health conditions. According to BMC Psychology, "Trust and respect may be an important component of client-provider relationships." Building trust with clients increases the...

Practicing Patience With Challenging Clients

Clients diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) or mental health issues may find it difficult to engage in treatment. Some clients are more challenging than others and require additional support to ensure program compliance. Studies have shown that "[o]nce clients are engaged actively in treatment, retention becomes a priority." However, "Many obstacles may arise...

Creating an Inclusive Community

Individuals in treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health conditions benefit from participating in a thriving recovery community. Creating an inclusive space focused on successful recovery helps clients grow and develop essential life skills. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), "Recovery-oriented care and...

How Driftwood Recovery Uses the Power of Nature to Inspire Healing

The power of nature is something that many modern people have lost a connection with. It cannot be denied how important nature is to our mental and physical health. Sometimes, the absence of nature can leave behind a longing that can weigh heavily on our subconscious mind. That is why modern mental health care facilities work to harness the power of nature. Places like Driftwood Recovery choose places where the power of nature can be...

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Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Healthcare professionals see clients at their most vulnerable and have access to private medical information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law healthcare providers must comply with to protect sensitive client information. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), "The...

Managing Dual Diagnosis: Learning to Maintain Mental Well-Being in Recovery

Your mental well-being is an invaluable part of your health and your ability to heal. Poor mental well-being is often reflected in the presence of challenges with substance use disorder (SUD) and other mental health disorders. As stated in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA),...

Inpatient vs Outpatient: Which Treatment Program Is Right for Me?

Finding the right treatment program can feel a little intimidating at first. Some conditions, such as addiction, require more intensive care compared to a condition like...

Relapse Prevention: An Essential Skill for Recovery

One major skill that is used to keep alumni in recovery is relapse prevention. A relapse is when someone begins to use addictive substances again after a period of abstinence. When a client becomes alumni, they return to normal life. Normal life, however, can be an environment full of stress and difficulties. Learning how to navigate these difficulties with healthy coping skills is part of relapse prevention. Anyone can recover from...

Finding Yourself: Uncovering Healthy Self-Identity in Recovery

Substance use disorder (SUD) stigma can impact your sense of self. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), identity processes shape the manifestation of stigma in SUD. Specifically, internalized stigma is highly central to your self-concept as it erodes how you define and think about yourself. Believing in the negative stereotypes...

Debunking Common Treatment Myths at Driftwood Recovery

Treatment myths can be a factor in why some choose not to seek treatment for their conditions. These myths mostly stem from two different sources. One source comes from the depictions of mental health care facilities in media and popular culture. The other comes from how mental health care was handled in...

Healing Spaces: The Importance of Environmental Factors in Recovery

Recovery is a dynamic process that incorporates multiple experiences to engage in self-awareness and self-understanding. As noted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), recovery is a highly personal and holistic process with many different pathways. Through a holistic approach to recovery, healing...

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According to Addiction Relapse Prevention by Nicholas Guenzel and Dennis McChargue, approximately 50% of people relapse within the first 12 weeks after treatment. The high prevalence of addiction relapse following treatment highlights the importance of support in early recovery. Early recovery is a vulnerable time when your ability to maintain recovery is...

The Impact of Grief on Mental Health

The impact of grief on a person's mental health cannot be overstated. Grief doesn't just affect mental health. It can also have a profound effect on someone's physical health as well. When someone is feeling the impact of grief, it can feel all-consuming. Grief, they say, is love with no place to go, a sentiment that illustrates the pain people experience when experiencing a loss.

However, despite the impact of grief being painful, it...

Making Positive Personal Change in Your Mental Health Journey

Part of a person's mental health journey is learning the importance of positive personal change. These changes can be hard at first, especially for people who are naturally more cynical than others. However, being able to make a positive personal change helps people not just improve their mental health but also enjoy life as a whole. It can be difficult to know where to start or what a positive personal change looks like, but it's possible to...

Finding Healing for Trauma at Driftwood Recovery

For many, finding healing for trauma can be a difficult process. There is a lot of shame and stigma surrounding trauma that discourages some from seeking help. Many may not know how to discuss their trauma or block their trauma out entirely. When people cannot find help in healing from trauma, it can manifest in negative ways. In most cases, it...

Understanding the Importance of an Integrated Treatment Approach

For those who struggle with addiction and co-occurring conditions, an integrated treatment approach is the most effective way to provide treatment. When a person is struggling with addiction and another mental health disorder, it is known as a dual...

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The first step most clients take when beginning addiction treatment is medical detox. Movies and other popular media often depict medical detox incorrectly, where uncaring staff leave clients alone to suffer through withdrawal. Actual medical detox differs greatly. It's a safe process performed by compassionate medical professionals while working...

When Is It the Right Time to Seek Help for My Mental Health Disorder?

Knowing when to seek help can make a difference in your quality of life. This is especially true for those who are struggling with various conditions. People don't seek help for several reasons. For some, their conditions become their new “normal,” which makes it difficult to know when they do need help. In other cases, many are taught to only seek help in the most dire of...

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Your relationships impact your life as they inform your sense of self and how you navigate the world. In particular, positive interpersonal relationships can foster social connectedness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), social connectedness is a sense of belonging in which you feel supported, valued, and cared for in your relationships. Therefore, therapeutic tools like peer support can be vital to healing....

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According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), recovery is a dynamic process of change. In recovery, you work to improve your health and wellness, live a self-determined life, and reach your full potential. Through your work in treatment, you have learned that maintaining recovery goes beyond abstaining from...

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Traditional ideas about recovery often focus on abstinence. Although abstinence is important to recovery, there are a variety of other components that contribute to healing. Abstinence alone does not account for the roots of your distress. Thus, to address and respond to the roots of your challenges, a continuum of care is vital to the recovery process.

Through treatment, you have learned that an attachment approach considers the whole...

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Whether biological or not, the individuals you call family play an important role in your life. Family helps you make sense of who you are and your place in the world. The sense of belonging you often find in family is interwoven in your interpersonal interactions. As noted in Family Dynamics, family can be a source of relationship security as you rely on...

4 Ways Healthcare Workers Prioritize Treatment Safety

Clinicians and support staff take steps to ensure client safety and comfort during treatment for substance use disorder (SUD). Studies have shown that adverse events consist "of an incident that causes harm to the patient and negatively affects the patient's health and quality of life, causing...

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Addiction recovery specialists and support staff experience an unusually high level of stress due to the nature of their work. Spending every day helping people work through trauma, emotional distress, and physical discomfort takes a toll. A positive work-life balance ensures healthcare workers remain motivated and healthy. According to Cureus, multiple interventions can reduce stress in healthcare, including "...

The Benefits of Collaborating With Coworkers

The treatment of substance use disorder (SUD) requires the collaboration of multiple departments and clinicians. Multiple staff members are responsible for ensuring clients access effective and appropriate treatment. According to Medicine, "Several randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that...

The Importance of Speaking up and Addressing Issues

Clinicians and support staff at treatment facilities are responsible for speaking up and addressing issues impacting client or worker safety. Most individuals in healthcare are mandated reporters who must contact law enforcement or other agencies if they notice something affecting the safety of individuals or the community. According to the...

Finding Purpose: The Value of Employment in Recovery

Many traditional rehab programs focus on abstaining from misusing substances. Although abstinence is a vital part of maintaining recovery, true healing is a whole-person process. Through an attachment-based approach, you have learned how important rebuilding a connection with yourself and others is to healing. Thus, looking at the impact substance use has had on other parts of your life, like work, highlights the need to support well-being...

Life in Recovery: The Power of Education for Sustained Recovery

As the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) notes, recovery is a process of change. Moreover, recovery has four major dimensions: health, home, purpose, and community. In finding your sense of purpose, looking toward education for sustained recovery can support making meaning in your life.

Whether you find meaning in work, volunteering,...

What’s It Like to Undergo Residential Treatment at Driftwood Recovery?

When someone has an active addiction, they may require the use of residential treatment to help them recover. Contrary to popular belief, residential treatment is not a prison, nor are people forced into it against their will....

The Power of Self-Care for Sustained Recovery

The process of sustained recovery is not only found in the abstinence of substances but also in how you care for yourself. Recovery encompasses supporting the healing of every part of you in mind, body, and spirit. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), well-being has a broad definition that encompasses perceiving life in a...

How Addiction Affects Those With a Traumatic Brain Injury

There are many people today who live with a traumatic brain injury. Sometimes, the injury is mild and can be managed with medication or therapy. In other cases, it can be severe and have a significant impact on a person's ability to function normally. Traumatic brain injuries are more common than most people think and can happen to anyone. A simple bump to the head can alter a person's life dramatically.

Those with a traumatic brain...

Reducing Executive Dysfunction With Life Skill Building

According to Drug and Alcohol Review, between 30% and 80% of individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) experience cognitive impairments. In addition, mental health disorders are closely associated with functional impairment. Whether your challenges with functional impairments stem from SUD or other mental health challenges, they impede life skill...

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Many clients diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) have co-occurring mental health issues requiring treatment or accommodations. Treatment may involve integrative care and a combination of therapeutic modalities tailored to the client's needs. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), "Integrating both screening and treatment for...

Balancing Work and Mental Health

Healthcare workers must find a delicate balance between providing empathetic care and maintaining positive mental health. Many people in healthcare experience emotional or physical burnout due to the pressures of the job unless they find a way to create a healthy work-life balance. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 46% or "[n]early half of health workers reported often...

Continuing Education and Skill Development for Staff at Driftwood Recovery

Certified healthcare professionals often have mandatory or voluntary continuing education and skill development opportunities to help them stay up-to-date on the latest healthcare advances. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, "The expertise of multiple providers is often necessary to provide the...

Transforming Therapeutic Approaches Using Trauma-Informed Care

Many clients in treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) have underlying trauma impacting their ability to heal and move forward with their lives. Staff members may also have a history of trauma affecting how they interact with clients and build collaborative relationships. Trauma-informed care (TIC) reduces the risk of retraumatization for both clients and clinicians. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services...

What Makes Austin a Great City for Treatment and Maintaining Recovery?

There are many treatment programs all across the country. However, where you seek treatment is just as important to your recovery as the treatment itself. Austin, Texas, is one of the best places in the United States to find healing and support in maintaining recovery.

At Driftwood Recovery, we know finding the right program is vital to the building...

Individualized Care at Driftwood

Individualized care is incredibly important for the health and safety of anyone seeking treatment for their conditions. No two people are alike, so why should their treatments be the same? Even with the same diagnosis, each person will have individual needs that dictate how they receive care. What may...

Why Maintaining a Client's Privacy Is Crucial

Everyone deserves to have their personal information kept private and confidential. Only authorized individuals should have access to sensitive client information. Staff members are legally and morally obligated to keep private records safe and secure. Rehabilitation programs must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). According to HHS,...

Don't Take Recovery For Granted: The Benefits of Continuing to Attend Weekly Meetings

Early recovery can be an exciting time in your recovery journey. You may be filled with so much enthusiasm for your new life in recovery that attending your alumni weekly meetings may feel pointless. Your eagerness to start building your new life in recovery is understandable. Being able to look at where you came from to the sobriety you have now is incredibly rewarding.

You should be proud of all the work you have done. It took...

Creating Trust Between Clients and Staff

Most people feel vulnerable during treatment for substance use disorder (SUD). Establishing trust between clients and the care team ensures individuals feel comfortable and secure. According to Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, researchers reported that "[r]elationships with staff were described as crucial in all parts of the treatment." Addiction...

The Dedication and Determination of Staff at Driftwood

A care team must have the flexibility and experience to cope with unexpected challenges. Clients rely on staff to help them navigate whatever circumstances they encounter during treatment. Studies have shown that during treatment, "every problem can have many solutions and . . . the input and ideas of colleagues lead to creative approaches." The staff at...

The Importance of Determining if Driftwood Is a Good Fit for a Potential Client

Every potential client is a person in need of guidance and support. According to BMC Psychology, "Trust and respect may be an important component of client-provider relationships." The experts at Driftwood Recovery understand the importance of meeting people where they are today and...

Finding Sober Community Opportunities

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 70 million adults in the U.S. have substance and or mental health challenges. Specifically, 29 million adults have difficulties with substance use disorder (SUD), and 58.7 million...

The Importance of Working With Families to Find Appropriate Treatment

Before healing can begin, clients must find appropriate treatment for any conditions that are harming them. It's a process that can take some time, but it's not something that clients have to go through alone. To aid in the recovery process, Driftwood Recovery emphasizes the importance of family...

Staying Connected With Peers

Recovery is not a specific destination or finish line you reach. Healing from addiction is a process with different stages to address your specific needs. Recovery is an ongoing process in which you continue to learn and grow throughout your life. Thus, an alumni program where staying connected with your peers is at the core of the program is instrumental to lasting recovery.

At Driftwood Recovery, we know staying connected through a...

Importance of Nutrition

Sometimes, the importance of nutrition is understated when it comes to health. Most people go through their daily lives with little care for what they put into their bodies. With this mindset, it can pave the way for not just nutritional deficiencies but real harm to your mental health. That's why care is taken at Driftwood Recovery to educate clients about the importance of nutrition. When someone has the tools and skills to make good and...


There can be a lot of apprehensions a person can feel once they achieve addiction recovery. They now need to begin their new sober lives by utilizing the skills and tools learned in treatment. Some may feel as though they have to take this important step by themselves now that they have completed...

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Maintaining sobriety following treatment can be arduous work, but at Driftwood, we believe life must be enjoyable to sustain long-term recovery. According to Mason Aselage, Director of Recovery Services, “Recovery is about more than abstinence. It’s about building relationships, having new experiences, and most importantly – rediscovering what we love...

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"Trauma is any difficult experience that rises to the level of Changing the Brain."

Whether it’s through reduced functioning, hyperarousal, or changes in mood, thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors, trauma impacts how we interact with the world around us. Unfortunately, we can get so caught up in defining the minutia of “what constitutes trauma” that it can be easy to lose the forest for the trees. Simply put, trauma is a neurobiological...

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While the rest of us were sleeping, Driftwood clinicians Jacob Umanzor, Michelle Whetstone, Natalie Hisey, and Vanessa Kennedy logged on to a London-based webinar at 3:30 AM to train in a treatment modality few therapists genuinely understand. This training aimed to equip mental health professionals with the necessary skills to undertake mentalization-based work with families. Vanessa, Natalie, Jacob, and Michelle represented a minority of...



"The most important lesson I learned in 2021 is that human beings can reconstruct their narrative with more ease than one might think; we just need to take the time to implement a few simple practices. Often, people in recovery harp on acceptance as the key to emotional health. But it's important not to slide into resignation, expecting life to happen to us (as if we have no power over the outcomes in our life). Pain prompted me to seek out...

Pear Rosemary Tonic

Driftwood's Culinary Director, Jason Donoho, provides us with festive mocktail recipes as we plan for the holiday season.

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A Pulse of 2020’s Impact on Mental Health in the U.S


“As human beings, we experience difficult emotions—sadness, anger, disillusionment—when faced with a traumatic experience. Giving ourselves permission to feel these emotions and seeking support to help us cope with them are important tools to develop resilience.”

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“We truly have seen the contagiousness of personal development, and when more people engage in personal development, more people begin enjoying life”

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"When you find your tribe, you can rely on people—and you have to show up for them"

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"The critical thing is to face our fears—to stay with an emotion we're having difficulty with, or to stay with the physical pain—and discover: everything's impermanent; this doesn't last forever.”

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“I try to frame [a psychological assessment] as an opportunity to grow, as opposed to a process of labeling or judging. We aren’t saying ‘you are bad, because you have this.’ It's more like: ‘you are human.’”

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"In some ways, a person who comes through a program like ours has an unfair advantage over the general population. Because people don't ordinarily get that education in coping with life. We're not born with a manual.

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“Some trainers have one way to do something. But every client is different. Each body is weak and strong in different ways. I see that uniqueness in the residents who stay at Driftwood.”

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“At Driftwood, the staff and residents always eat meals together, we do a lot of things together, and we don't ever want the clients to feel like the staff is separate from them. It's very integrated. We know so much about every client, and work so much on each case. We get creative with every treatment plan, with every discharge plan.”


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“When you take people who have been eating badly, and you feed them [well] for thirty, sixty, ninety days, the transformations are astonishing. You see people's lights come on again.”

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Loneliness shortens and impoverishes our lives—and we’re increasingly enveloped in systems that, by design or accident, isolate us.

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Loneliness “predisposes people to entire spectrums of physical and mental illnesses. [It] creates a hunger in the brain [that] hypersensitizes our reward system.” Lonely people easily become “restless, irritable—and impulsive.”


“Everyone has experienced trauma to some degree, and everyone out there numbs. Whether the numbing strategy is binge-watching Netflix, or gorging on cookie dough, or injecting heroin, there's some way that we try to numb the pain from the experiences that we've been through. When numbing comes from alcohol or drugs, it's easy to get addicted. And it’s even reasonable to become addicted, because the drugs work—they numb the pain of...


People struggling with addiction, economic insecurity, or mental illness are not separate from us; they're our family members, our neighbors, and, in many cases, they’re the people we honor on Veterans Day.


Drug courts and jail-like “treatment centers” may seem like a humane alternative to conventional drug criminalization — but they carry their own serious risks, especially to youths and people with co-occurring mental illnesses.


For obvious reasons, Pain and Glory should interest anyone interested in addiction and recovery. It’s reminiscent of Ingmar Bergman's best movies, like Winter Light and Wild Strawberries, in which reflective, intelligent people grope in the dark for meaning, and try to form lasting and valuable connections with other people who are as damaged, anxious, and confused as they are.



“People’s reluctance to accept that they have this illness—the blow to one's sense of identity and the social stigma associated with accepting the label of ‘alcoholic’—continues to this day”


“At Driftwood, we have a multifaceted approach to treatment. We try to foster a recovery lifestyle, and a big part of that, for us, is the 12 Steps. But most importantly, our program is about teaching people how to take concrete actions that will help them work a program of recovery.”


“The first thing people need to know is that these drugs take over the survival center. I don’t call it ‘the pleasure center.’ It’s the survival center.”


Welcome to Kuraĝo, a new blog covering addiction, trauma, recovery, wellness, and the search for meaning.

Texas Alcohol Abuse Statistics

Despite the popularity of drugs like amphetamines and marijuana in Texas, alcohol remains the substance of choice for most users. Further, alcohol abuse statistics indicate that this fondness develops early. In fact, just over half of Texas secondary students have experimented with alcohol according to the 2014 Texas School Survey. 21.2% percent of them reported drinking at least once within the last month.

Holistic Pain Management Treatment

When people struggle with addiction, one thing that becomes more difficult is pain management. In most cases, they can’t take the opioid pain medications that doctors usually prescribe. As a result, they have to count on a more holistic approach to pain relief such as exercise. Aerobic exercise, in particular, can be beneficial in reducing the severity of chronic pain, improving overall physical and mental health, and aiding in weight loss....

Therapeutic Recreation - Texas Holistic Pain Recovery

Therapeutic recreation is one therapy option that drug rehab facilities use. But what is therapeutic recreation? Furthermore, what are the benefits that can come from the use of this effective tool?

Depression and Drug Abuse Treatment and Recovery

It’s very common for people who struggle with depression to turn to drugs as a way to self-medicate. The other issue is that there are also people who begin to develop symptoms of depression due to their substance use. This is why when you’re seeking treatment for your addiction, it’s important to go to a dual diagnosis facility. Here, depression and drug abuse both receive attention to give you the best chances of staying clean.

Prescription Drug Abuse Statistics

Prescription drug abuse is a significant problem in the United States. According to SAMHSA, while marijuana is the most commonly used controlled substance, prescription drugs are second on the list. While opioids are the most pressing issue regarding the abuse of prescription drugs, Americans regularly abuse other types of prescriptions as well. Prescription drug abuse statistics can reveal a lot about the scale of the problem.

Drug Addiction Rehab in Texas

Your loved one’s drug abuse is out of control. You’ve tried to help, but there’s no interest. Maybe you’re not the only family member or friend who’s been working with the person. Here’s how to help a drug addict who doesn’t want help.

Addiction and Family - Holistic Drug Addiction Treatment Center

People often refer to addiction as a family disease. That’s because the development of addiction is frequently rooted in family issues. Plus, addiction can often run in the family. Take a closer look at the connection between addiction and family as well as the need for family therapy in rehab.

Anxiety and Chronic Pain Rehab and Treatment

Pain is largely considered to be a physical condition. Anxiety, on the other hand, is largely considered to be a mental health condition. However, the two conditions can often overlap. Let’s look at the connection between anxiety and pain as well as how therapists can address them at the same time.

Holistic Addiction Treatment Rehab

Addiction treatment takes many forms. Treatment specialists don’t take a blanket approach because they understand that each person seeking help needs individualized care. Of course, maybe you’ve heard of alternative therapies and wondered how they work. In other words, what is a holistic approach to addiction treatment?

Texas Drug Abuse Statistics - Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Texas faces unique challenges when it comes to drug abuse. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas is in the direct path of cartels looking to traffic illegal substances into the United States. From cocaine to marijuana to heroin, Texas drug statistics show that the state is a popular route for drugs entering the country.

Interestingly, this activity also results in trends in drug treatment admissions along the border...

5 Startling Facts About Meth

You may not know many facts about meth. While you might know that it’s addictive, do you know how dangerous meth use can be? Every year, tens of thousands of people visit hospital emergency rooms for meth-related reasons. Stroke, visual impairment, and death can all result from meth abuse. However, these are far from the only startling facts about the drug.

Signs of Drug Addiction

Spotting the signs of drug addiction can be tough unless you know what to look for. The descent into drug abuse can be gradual, meaning it isn’t always easy to catch the signs. While drug use may not pose much of a problem at first, it can eventually take over a person’s life. This makes noticing the signs and taking action important.

Taking note of the signs of drug addiction in yourself can be nearly impossible. They can also be easy...

Drug Abuse Intervention and Treatment

Taking the first step towards addiction recovery isn’t easy. Often, individuals need motivation in the form of an intervention. But what is an intervention, exactly? Learn more about this effective way of helping a loved one, and why it might be necessary.

Opioid Epidemic Statistics

If you’ve watched the news within the past year, you’ve probably heard of opioids. Opioid use has been a trending topic on most news stations due to its rise in use. However, how much do you really know about opioid epidemic statistics? Let’s look at the numbers.

Individual Substance Abuse Treatment

Although many people develop dependence on drugs or alcohol due to trauma, everyone has a unique history. Additionally, some people struggle with addiction as a result of mental illness symptoms. Therefore, the right rehab approach should include individualized addiction treatment. This gives people the best chance of reaching successful recovery.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab

While choosing a rehab program, you’ll face one major decision: Inpatient vs outpatient. Ultimately, both options offer similar treatment and support. However, there are notable differences between them. Take a look at your recovery options and decide whether inpatient or outpatient is right for you.

Austin, Texas Executive Alcohol Rehab

In the United States, there are multiple debates surrounding addiction. Overall, alcoholism is a national crisis. Therefore, you might wonder is alcoholism a disease. By understanding alcoholism as a disease, many struggling users are more optimistic about rehabilitation. Let’s explore how alcoholism affects millions of Americans, and the steps to seeking the proper addiction treatment.
