Alumni Program

Driftwood Alumni Program for Long-Term Sobriety

After receiving addiction treatment, previous patients tend to struggle with fears about maintaining sobriety and other aspects of regular life. Some individuals are fearful about how their routines will change and how difficult it might be to stay connected to a sober community. Seeking support from the Driftwood alumni program near Austin, TX is one of the best ways to sustain addiction recovery. Driftwood Recovery provides former clients with access to a peer-driven network to share experiences, provide accountability, and seek support.

Benefits of our Alumni Program in Driftwood

The healing process begins when someone enters our gates at Driftwood Recovery, but this is just the start of a new way of living.

Recovery from addiction and chronic pain is a journey that continues long after someone completes addiction treatment, whether it was intensive inpatient, outpatient or community support recovery, or another form of treatment. We believe that a strong and vibrant alumni program in Texas is vital to an individual’s support during their reintegration into everyday life.

Our alumni family is a peer-driven network that provides the accountability, service, and encouragement that promotes long-term recovery post-treatment. Our Alumni Coordinator, Evan Thornton, and Director of Client Services, Mason Aselage, encourage alumni to remain engaged with the Driftwood family by organizing ongoing meetings, socials, and service opportunities.

In order to strengthen the connection between our Driftwood Alumni, the alumni team has helped develop the Driftwood Recovery App, a private mobile platform that fosters engagement and support. The app allows all of our alumni to stay in touch regardless of where they are engaging in a program of recovery.

Within the app, any alum can share recovery milestones, support, and encouragement for their fellow alumni and access recovery-focused podcasts, articles, and book recommendations provided by our clinical and wellness staff. The entire Driftwood staff and family of alumni work hard to uphold a safe space for healing within the app and the entire alumni program. We believe each individual requires respect, support, and compassion, regardless of where they are on their recovery journey.

Ongoing Alumni Meetings and Events

Our ongoing Driftwood alumni program meetings, held weekly at our SoCo CIP and Riverside House, allow for fellowship and fun in sobriety and create a sense of community among our alums. Alumni play an integral role within our Community Integration Program, and their presence and participation in weekly meetings and activities provide support and encouragement for current Driftwood residents while allowing our alumni to share their experience, strength, and hope.

Our Driftwood App, alumni meetings and recovery events, and alumni ambassadors are all in place to keep the courageous recovery legacy in motion.


Weekly Alumni Meeting

Alumni Check-in Meeting

Weekly meetings are held to check in on each alum and their progress. How are work, school, and volunteering? Have they been meeting with their sponsor and doing step work? What is the status of the relationships in their life? Where do they need support? This meeting is an opportunity for everyone to keep their finger on the pulse of the community, as well as provide support and hold accountability where needed.

Austin, Texas Residential Detox Center

1st and 3rd Tuesdays

Driftwood Family Dinner and Alumni Panel

Driftwood prepares a family-style dinner, followed by a meeting at Driftwood's main campus. Opportunities for new and seasoned alumni to connect and foster a sense of community and support.

Driftwood Recovery - Texas Detox Retreat

2nd and 4th Mondays

Family Support Group

Family Support Group is an online meeting where families and friends of Driftwood's residents and alumni gather to learn, share, and grow in their own recovery.

Austin, Texas Detox and Rehabilitation

Recovery Milestones Dinner

Milestones Dinner

The alumni team invites the Driftwood community to a celebratory dinner on a monthly basis to celebrate alumni who have achieved milestones in their personal recovery.

Additional Opportunities for Driftwood Alumni

  • Here are some other ways to stay engaged and active in the Driftwood alumni program and recovery community:

    • ✓ Driftwood alumni renewal retreats

    • ✓ Alumni panel for Courageous Family Program – “What’s Next” community panel

    • ✓ First and Third Tuesday: Alumni panel with Driftwood residential community

    • ✓ In-house AA meeting at Driftwood on Wednesday nights

    • ✓ On-site meeting service opportunities within the Driftwood community

    • ✓ Open-gate policy to visit residents and clinical team at Driftwood (3).png

Break the cycle of suffering through surrender.

Contact Driftwood Recovery today to get more information or schedule a tour.

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Alumni Program at Driftwood Recovery FAQ

What are the benefits of the alumni program at Driftwood Recovery?

The benefits of the program include access to a supportive alumni community, service opportunities, open-gate policies to visit residents and the clinical health care team at Driftwood, family-style dinners, in-house AA meetings, patient education, continuous learning, relapse prevention strategies, mentorship, and more. It's a great way to uphold a safe environment for those looking for meaningful relationships with a sober community. Navigating reintegration after addiction treatment is easier when you have the support of others who have also struggled with mental health and the disease of addiction.

How do I become a member of Driftwood's alumni program?

If you're interested in becoming a member of Driftwood's alumni community, there are many ways to be a part of the network. First, you'll want to reach out to our team and connect with our alumni coordinator. Then, you can strengthen your connections with other alums through our Driftwood Recovery app, participate in our meetings and events, and connect with our team for more information. Explore the full experience of having a peer support network and meet with your new family.

How do I update my contact information with Driftwood's alumni program?

To update your contact information, you'll need to contact us and get in touch with our alumni coordinator.

How can I contact other alumni from the program?

If you're interested in contacting others in the Driftwood alumni program, you can participate in our meetings and events for peer support or reach out via the Driftwood Recovery app. The app allows all of our alumni to stay in touch regardless of where you are engaging in a recovery program to promote relapse prevention.

Where is your alumni program located?

Most of our alumni program events take place at our SoCo CIP and Riverside House treatment center in Driftwood, TX. It's a great opportunity for new and seasoned alumni to connect. We highly encourage alumni to remain engaged with the Driftwood family by participating in organizing ongoing meetings, socials, and service opportunities.