Designed to treat the individual within the context of relationships, rather than the individual alone.

We believe that considering the entire family during treatment allows for a guide to building a solid foundation in recovery and restoring balance within our relationships.
Our team devotes two and a half days each month, in addition to family sessions, to helping families and friends of our clients reclaim their lives and their cherished connections. We invite the entire circle of family, friends, and colleagues to participate and learn healthier ways to live together and embrace recovery.
Loved ones can expect:
- New strategies for improved communication
- An increased understanding and compassion for every individual in the family
- A clearer sense of the importance of boundaries
- New methods for practicing self-care and soothing
- A plan for better utilizing their support communities
- Information about treatment at Driftwood
- Community and shared experiences from others in recovery
- Education on the importance of movement and nutrition in recovery
- A deeper understanding of the nature of addiction and chronic pain
- First-hand experience of what treatment is like for their loved one
- Their own therapeutic experience
For additional information, support, and resources for loved ones, see our Family Resources.