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  • Opioid Epidemic Statistics [Infographic]

If you’ve watched the news within the past year, you’ve probably heard of opioids. Opioid use has been a trending topic on most news stations due to its rise in use. However, how much do you really know about opioid epidemic statistics? Let’s look at the numbers.

Opioid-Related Deaths

42,000 is a scary number when it comes to opioid epidemic statistics. This is the number of deaths that occurred in 2016 due to opioid use. This number is about five times higher than it was in 1999. Furthermore, experts estimate that about 115 Americans die every day due to opioid use. This can include prescription opioids and heroin. In addition, experts estimate that there will be a 35% increase in deaths between now and 2027. This rise is due to increased availability of synthetic opioids. While synthetic opioids are easier and cheaper to create, they can also be more fatal. As these drugs become more available, the number of deaths will continue to rise.

Government Money Spent on Opioid Use

$80 billion is another shocking number when it comes to opioid epidemic statistics. This figure is the amount of money the U.S. government spends annually due to opioids. It includes loss of productivity, overall healthcare, and job expenses. So how does this break down?

Loss of productivity means employers are losing money in a number of ways. For example, an employee being absent due to opiod use means less production for employers. Paying for disability and sick days are another way employers lose money. They also lose money in productivity when employee performance suffers. Healthcare expenses include substance abuse treatments, research costs, and hospital expenses.

Opioid Dependency

During 2016, about 1.4 million Americans fit the criteria for opioid dependency. However, only 10% of them sought out addiction treatment programs. It’s painful that the smallest number of opioid epidemic statistics is the percentage of those receiving help. Why is this occurring? Many users are unsure of where to go, what kind of treatment they need, or how to afford treatment.

Don’t Become a Statistic

At Driftwood Recovery, our prescription drug addiction rehab aims to lower these opioid epidemic statistics. We offer a variety of services to help users successfully find their path to recovery. Our services include the following:

  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy

Refuse to become a number in a news article, and begin treatment today. Call us today at 866-426-4694.

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