Not many people truly understand what happens in schizophrenia treatment. Much like the condition itself, it seems mysterious to an average person. Most people instead get an inaccurate depiction of schizophrenia from media sources, which further compounds the fear and shame that many with the condition feel. It’s estimated that between 0.25% and 0.64% of the U.S. population have schizophrenia and other related psychotic disorders. However, this number only accounts for those who have sought schizophrenia treatment. The actual number is likely much higher, as many don’t seek schizophrenia treatment due to societal stigma and internalized shame.
This treatment is vital, as untreated schizophrenia can lead to or co-occur with other conditions, such as addiction. Those struggling with schizophrenia are more likely to attempt or die by suicide, especially those without diagnosis or treatment. That’s why at Driftwood Recovery, clients with this condition can find comprehensive and compassionate schizophrenia treatment. With a focus on providing an encouraging and private environment to heal, anyone can learn how to manage their condition for a successful life.
Part of schizophrenia treatment is understanding what the condition is, its myths, and why treatment is so effective. The more people are aware of the truth of schizophrenia, the less fear and stigma are attached to it – and the greater the likelihood that a person in need will seek help.
What Is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric condition that interferes with a person’s ability to think, feel, and behave clearly. Though schizophrenia used to be classified into different types, it is now considered a spectrum disorder with varied symptoms a person can experience. Some common symptoms can include:
- Hallucinations
- Disorganized speech and thinking
- Delusions
- Disorganized or unusual motor behavior
- Lack of normal functioning, such as being unable to display emotions, take care of hygiene needs, or feel pleasure in once enjoyable activities when they previously could in the past
Though research is still ongoing on what causes schizophrenia, several risk factors have been identified. A person is more likely to develop schizophrenia if they:
- Have a family history of schizophrenia
- Grew up in or is still in an environment that causes consistent stress or danger
- Have taken psychoactive or psychotropic substances as teenagers, which may have altered the brain as it was developing
- Been exposed to environments that may have affected early fetal and infant brain development; examples include being exposed to viruses, toxins, and poor nutrition before or after birth
Schizophrenia usually develops late in life, from the late teen years to the early 30s. Men typically show symptoms between their teen years and their 20s, while women tend to show symptoms in their 20s and 30s. Though considered a life-long condition, it can be managed with the right schizophrenia treatment.
Myths and Facts Surrounding Schizophrenia Treatment
Perhaps the greatest and most damaging myth behind schizophrenia is that those with the condition are dangerous to others. The truth is that those with schizophrenia are more likely to inadvertently harm themselves due to their condition than they are to hurt another person. Seeking treatment is vital in preventing self-harm, but many with schizophrenia are reluctant to seek help.
This is due to another dangerous myth that people with schizophrenia are locked up during treatment and lose their rights. The truth is that people with any mental health condition still have human rights regardless of the severity of their condition. Modern treatment facilities are not prisons, and clients can expect to be treated with compassion, understanding, and respect.
Lastly, it’s a myth that those with schizophrenia are “drugged up” during treatment. Though medication is important in the treatment and management of schizophrenia, clients receive other forms of treatment alongside it. Clients are not “drugged up” and instead receive a carefully crafted medication plan to give them the most relief with the lowest medication dose possible.
To get an accurate picture of schizophrenia treatment, we only need to see how a treatment facility like Driftwood Recovery treats this condition.
Schizophrenia Treatment at Driftwood Recovery
Driftwood Recovery is a comprehensive, holistic, focused treatment center. This means that clients receive treatment that enhances all aspects of their lives, which includes physical, mental, and spiritual health. In the case of schizophrenia and any co-occurring conditions, care is taken to ensure that each client gets the training and assistance they need to continuously manage their condition.
This is done with a combination of medication, psychotherapy, skill training, family therapy, and community support. Antipsychotic medicines are carefully prescribed to work with the lowest dose needed to prevent side effects. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is used to help clients cope with their condition and change unhealthy behaviors that exacerbate symptoms. Clients are encouraged to improve their physical health through exercise and a nutritionally varied diet. Finally, clients work with their loved ones and fellow peers to establish a support network. Having access to a support network doesn’t just produce understanding companionship; it has also been shown to reduce the chance of relapse.
Clients during the schizophrenia treatment process focus on recognizing episodes and how to mitigate them. Though treatment can greatly reduce the frequency of episodes, they can still happen. Knowing what to do in a crisis and who to contact for help prevents future harm and allows one to receive help quickly.
Clients at Driftwood Recovery don’t just get treatment. They become part of a supportive community that will always be there when times get hard. For those with schizophrenia, it can be hard to find positives in life. But here, everyone learns that no matter what condition they have, they still have inherent value as an individual. Seeing that you are more than your schizophrenia and finding value in your own life allows those with the condition to not just stabilize but thrive.
Though schizophrenia can be a frightening condition, it doesn’t mean that those who struggle with it can’t be helped. On the contrary, schizophrenia is a treatable condition and can be managed successfully. With the right treatment, anyone with schizophrenia can lead a normal and fulfilling life. That’s why at Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, those struggling with schizophrenia receive comprehensive and holistic treatment to aid them in recovery. With an emphasis on privacy and safety, our clients find an ideal place to heal and become healthier people. By learning how to accept yourself and make healthy changes, you, too, can find joy again. If you or a loved one is struggling, don’t wait. Call (512) 759-8330 today.