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  • The Link Between Personality Disorders and Addiction

Personality disorders affect more people than an average person may think. According to a collection of 46 studies spanning six continents, there is a worldwide prevalence of any personality disorder of 7.8%, with higher rates in high-income countries, about 9.6%. Those who struggle with a personality disorder face stigma and distrust. This is the result of many factors, such as media depictions, the difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships, and a societal reluctance to discuss personality disorders. 

Perhaps the hardest part of struggling with a personality disorder is the higher likelihood of also struggling with addiction. Although both conditions are difficult to experience and live with, recovery is possible with the right treatment and willingness to make healthy life changes. Driftwood Recovery works to make the treatment process as smooth as possible for any condition. By providing a supportive and judgment-free environment, clients everywhere can recover in comfort. 

The first step to recovery is recognizing when one needs to seek help. By understanding the link between personality disorders and addiction, it becomes easier to recognize the signs of both. Education is always the key to encouraging those who need to seek help. It has a secondary effect of bringing awareness to those struggling that recovery is never impossible.

What Are Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are a group of long-lasting mental health conditions. These conditions impose distinct patterns of negative thinking and behaviors on a person. This, in turn, greatly impacts their relationships with others. These conditions cause a person to deviate from societal and cultural norms, which causes great distress. They often impair a person’s ability to function and relate to others, which may affect their social and familial lives. People with personality disorders often struggle with understanding emotions, tolerating distress, or may act impulsively.

Many personality disorders currently exist. They are grouped into three distinct clusters. These are:

  • Cluster A: These personality disorders are characterized by a lack of interest or suspicion of others due to a consistent dysfunctional pattern of thinking and behavior. Examples include schizoid personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder.
  • Cluster B: These personality disorders are characterized by consistent, unpredictable, over-dramatic behavior and over-emotional thinking patterns. Examples include narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD).
  • Cluster C: These personality disorders are characterized by consistent dysfunctional patterns of anxious thinking and behaviors. Examples include obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder.

Why Does Addiction Commonly Co-Occur With Personality Disorders?

There are several reasons why addiction is often prevalent in those who struggle with personality disorders. Personality disorders, for one, often bring a lot of stress and anguish to an individual. Since there is quite a lot of stigma surrounding personality disorders, a person may be afraid to reach out for help from a professional. To numb and manage these symptoms, a person may be tempted to self-medicate with substances and drugs, such as alcohol. Over time, the body will become tolerant to these substances. This forces the individual to need more of the substance to achieve the same effect. Once a person is dependent, it almost always leads to an addiction. 

Another reason why addiction is strongly linked to personality disorders is due to some of the common symptoms associated with these conditions. Those who have a personality disorder marked by impulsive or reckless behavior are more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. Peer pressure and the desire to fit in or be “cool” contribute greatly to the impulse to use these substances. Of course, many drugs and substances are highly addictive and may only take a single use to form a chemical dependency.

There may be biological pathways that may be behind why some people have a higher likelihood of developing both conditions. Genetics that make up our bodies may be a major factor. How our brains are built may also be one, as a person with a slightly different prefrontal cortex may struggle with traits like impulsivity. Negative life experiences, such as trauma, may influence if a person develops one or more conditions. Family history may also be a significant risk factor as well. 

Despite these links, it’s important to remember that both these conditions are treatable with specialized care.

Finding Treatment and Healing at Driftwood Recovery

Driftwood Recovery, as a treatment facility, focuses on treating a wide range of conditions. Most of these conditions are co-occurring and require specialized treatment to address. These are called a dual diagnosis, as all conditions must be addressed at once to be properly treated. Personality disorders and addiction are all too common with a dual diagnosis, along with other conditions such as depression and anxiety. A dual diagnosis is treatable as long as the client is willing to ask for help and accept it.

The exact therapies vary depending on the individual and which addiction and personality disorder they are struggling with. However, some treatments are universal. Finding the underlying cause of both conditions is the first step, along with detoxing from the substance or drug being used. The next step is to treat the cause through various therapies, such as psychotherapy. Then, it teaches the client the skills needed to stay in recovery and achieve success post-treatment through various Driftwood Recovery programs. The courageous family program and alumni program are just a few programs used to build connections and healthy relationships with others. As personality disorders often impact a person’s relationships, such programs are vital to the recovery process. 

Perhaps the most important part of treatment at Driftwood Recovery is the realization that these conditions do not make someone a bad person. It’s a safe place to find understanding and respect, especially from fellow peers who are in the same situation. Though the link between addiction and personality disorders exists, it’s not a set in stone thing. It’s always okay to seek help before these conditions gain a stronghold over your life. So, if you are struggling, don’t wait. Reach out for help today. 

Personality disorders are as varied as the people who struggle with them. These struggles can be severe enough to lead to other conditions, including addiction. Struggling with both a personality disorder and addiction can feel overwhelming, but there is hope. Here at Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, clients find the treatment they need to recover from addiction and manage their mental health disorders. The staff at Driftwood Recovery are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for clients to find healing and understanding. If you or a loved one is struggling, don’t wait to seek help. Call Driftwood Recovery at (512) 759-8330 to begin your recovery journey today. 

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