According to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), in the U.S. alone, 1.29 million experience homelessness. The prevalence of homelessness on its own opens the door to multiple physical and psychological risk factors. Furthermore, being unhoused shares an intersecting relationship with other challenges with substance use and mental health disorders. Thus, recovery housing can play an important role in the development of substance use disorder (SUD) and sustaining recovery. 

At Driftwood Recovery, we recognize how important recovery housing is to community integration and, thus, sustained recovery. With community integration, you can foster psychological well-being and build a meaningful life without substances. Through a vibrant alumni program, you can find the support needed to build life skills for resilience to life stressors. Additionally, recovery housing provides a foundation and jumping-off point for rebuilding other parts of life and maintaining recovery. Supporting work and school opportunities, restoring relationships with loved ones, and more are made possible with recovery housing.

Understanding the relationship between homelessness and poor health outcomes is the first step to addressing barriers. With greater insight, you can dismantle barriers to recovery housing and maintaining recovery.

Understanding the Intersection of Homelessness and Health Outcomes

Homelessness and unhoused individuals often bear the burden of stigma built on myths about homelessness. Listed below, as the USICH notes, are some of the myths and facts about people experiencing homelessness:

  • Myth: People would not be unhoused if they had a job
  • Fact: Employment can help with housing, but 40%-60% of unhoused individuals have a job
    • A majority of housing is unaffordable as housing prices rise, but wages remain low
    • There are fewer affordable housing options compared to those with low-income
  • Myth: Homelessness is a choice
  • Fact: Homelessness is typically tied to economic difficulties like low income, job loss, and the rising cost of living
    • Discriminatory practices and policies also contribute to unhousing
      • Disabilities
      • LGBTQIA+ 
      • Couples 
      • People with children
      • Criminal records
      • SUD
  • Myth: Homelessness is caused by SUD and or other mental health disorders
  • Fact: Some people with a severe mental illness (SMI) and or SUD are at risk for homelessness
    • According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 21% of  individuals experiencing homelessness have an SMI and 16% have SUD
    • Many individuals with SMI and or SUD do not experience homelessness
    • A majority of unhoused individuals do not have a mental health disorder or SUD

Although complex and often intersecting, homelessness is not a direct cause of SUD and other mental health disorders. Rather, as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) states, homelessness and health are interrelated. Many factors, such as disabilities and medical challenges, can lead to job loss, economic hardship, and homelessness. Understanding the interrelated relationship between homelessness and health can provide more insight into addressing and supporting long-term recovery housing solutions.

Relationship Between Homelessness and SUD

Being unhoused can increase your exposure to and risk for trauma like sexual assault and robbery. There is a high co-occurrence between trauma and SUD and or other mental health disorders. The distress of trauma can impede your ability to effectively cope with life stress which impairs your psychological well-being. Therefore, you are more likely to engage in maladaptive coping strategies like self-medicating to suppress your distress. Thus, there is often a significant intersecting relationship between homelessness and SUD. 

Yet, many people with SUD and or SMI face barriers to treatment and recovery housing to support sustained recovery. You have overcome countless barriers to enter and go through treatment, and your work should not be hindered by unstable housing.

Addressing Recovery Housing Barriers to Recovery

Finding affordable housing can present a host of barriers to people regardless of SUD or SMI. Some common barriers to affordable housing include long wait lists, scarce housing options, housing that meets your specific needs, and meeting housing criteria. Further, SUD presents additional barriers to recovery and recovery housing. For example, individuals with SUD and or SMI may experience barriers like:

  • A lack of integrated systems
    • Traditionally, housing services are under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
      • Individuals receiving housing services may not have access to ongoing supportive services
    • Whereas SUD and mental health services are under the SAMHSA
      • Individuals with SUD and or SMI may not qualify for some housing support services

However, with an alumni program, you can access services and resources to address your specific needs for recovery housing.

The Benefit of Different Recovery Housing Levels

As the SAMHSA notes, an adequate continuum of care can provide various services and housing types. The type or level of recovery housing is important for addressing your needs, like gender-specific housing and family housing. Listed below are the benefits of different kinds of recovery housing:

  • Halfway houses
    • Reintegration and relapse prevention
    • Support applying for government assistance programs
  • Oxford homes
    • Long-term recovery through interdependence and accountability
    • Smaller groups
    • Cost-effective
  • Transitional living house
    • Transition from temporary to permanent housing
    • Support specific groups
      • LGBTQIA+
      • Racial/ethnic minorities
      • Religious minorities
    • Flexibility in finding housing for your specific needs
      • Proximity to work, school, and family
    • Access to other support resources
      • Skill building
      • Work training

A holistic continuum of support understands that each individual’s experiences and needs are unique. 

Fostering Sustained Recovery With Recovery Housing at Driftwood Recovery

At Driftwood Recovery, we believe a strong and vibrant alumni program is instrumental to reintegrating into everyday life. Through an active alumni program, you can access services and resources like recovery housing to support building a courageous life in long-term recovery. Recovery housing is a fundamental part of the recovery process as it gives you the foundation to rebuild a new life without substances. You can feel integrated as a productive member of society through recovery housing. As a result, you foster a sense of belonging that helps you build an adaptive approach to recovery and build or restore connections with others. 

Stigma contributes to the belief that SUD and/or mental health disorders cause homelessness. However, challenges with homelessness, SUD, and other mental health disorders are often interrelated rather than a direct cause. The stressors of homelessness increase your risk for trauma, which can lead to self-medicating to cope with your distress. Thus, access to a continuum of care is vital for addressing interrelated challenges in treatment and recovery. With a vibrant alumni program, you can access resources like recovery housing to support your specific needs for sustained recovery. Alumni can support you whether you need support reintegrating into life after treatment or accommodations that meet your life needs, like gender-specific and family housing. Call Driftwood Recovery at (512) 759-8330 today.

The holidays are approaching, and those in recovery are no doubt both excited for and nervous about their first sober holiday! Holidays are stressful enough but can be even more so when trying to remain sober. It’s a time when common addiction triggers and peer pressure are prevalent, so it’s important to take steps to remain safe. 

That’s why at Driftwood Recovery, clients learn essential skills such as relapse prevention before completing treatment. Even after treatment is completed, alumni have access to the alumni program and other resources to protect their recovery. Being sober doesn’t mean a person can’t have fun. On the contrary, sober people can enjoy the holidays just as much as those who aren’t. It’s being safe that’s important.

So, have a joyful, safe, sober holiday by following these simple tips! 

Tip #1: Have a Safe Sober Holiday by Enforcing Boundaries

Having healthy boundaries is important for everyone, not just those in recovery. Sometimes, loved ones can do hurtful things without realizing it. Educate your loved ones about what it means for you to be sober and set some reasonable boundaries.

For example, it’s reasonable to ask loved ones not to bring substances, such as alcohol, into your home. It’s also reasonable to ask loved ones not to take you into triggering situations, such as bars or other establishments that feature heavy substance use. 

Though it may be hard, sometimes you will need to cut off toxic people who may threaten your sober holiday. Unkind people who ignore boundaries often inflict stress, which can exasperate cravings. It’s best to be safe and instead surround yourself with people who will respect you and your boundaries.

Tip #2: Be Aware of and Avoid Addiction Triggers

The holidays are full of addiction triggers. It’s a time of year when people typically consume the most alcohol or other recreational drugs. Those who have recovered from tobacco addiction may note that they tended to smoke the most during the holidays. It’s easy to see why. The holidays are full of stress, and there is a societal pressure to “let loose” and indulge. Some situations invoke the urge to use substances, such as parties, simply because you used substances during them in the past. Situational memories can be a powerful addiction trigger, along with stress and other situations that remind you strongly of substance use. 

Before you engage in your sober holiday, you must be intimately aware of your personal addiction triggers. Some can be avoided entirely, such as staying away from bars or reducing stress. Others, such as having a party, may be a bit more difficult. However, you can change the party to suit yourself and your sober holiday by including festive mocktails as a replacement for alcohol. Over time, these mocktails will become a part of your new normal and reduce cravings.

Tip #3: Look To Your Support Network for a Sober Holiday

Having a sober social life is important for a successful and happy, sober holiday. Maintaining access to peer support allows you to not be alone during an especially triggering part of the year. Though familial support is also important, having friends who truly understand what you have gone through makes facing what’s ahead easier. Peers can help hold you accountable during the holiday so you make healthy choices. It’s common for peers to host their sober holiday parties during the season. If they do, you can simply go to their parties instead of stressing over throwing one of your own. 

Tip #4: Make Plans to Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the leading causes of relapse, so it’s vital to take the time to reduce stress during the holidays. Practicing self-care is but one of the ways you can reduce stress. Make sure you eat well, get plenty of sleep, and move your body regularly.

You can also make plans in advance for your sober holiday. Meal prepping nutritious meals is easy and can be done a week or more in advance. Then, you can simply heat and eat without worrying about cooking during a stressful time. Make sure the people you include in your sober holiday are well aware of your boundaries. If a family member is a pain and only causes stress, you are allowed to not invite them to preserve your mental health. You can also save time by doing little things, such as packing luggage the night before to prevent a stressful scramble before traveling. 

The holidays, at their core, are stressful, but as long as you take the time to relax and have a moment to yourself, you can get through it with minimal fuss and stress. 

Tip #5: Set Yourself Up for Success for a Happy Sober Holiday

The best part about the holidays is that it reminds you that you aren’t alone. There are always people who care about you and want you to succeed. So set yourself up for success by leaning on the people who build you up, especially mental health care professionals. Alumni at Driftwood Recovery, for example, are always welcome to return for help and advice. Here, they can ask advice from mental health care professionals on how to protect their sobriety during stressful times, such as the holidays. Fellow alumni can also be helpful by sharing their wisdom and experiences to create the ultimate sober holiday. 

Besides asking for help from professionals, you must also remember that though times of stress happen, they don’t last forever. Remember that the darkness will pass as long as you hold on to your ideals and practice the skills you have learned. Doing so will ensure many more happy and sober holidays. 

Being sober and in recovery doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy holiday celebrations. It simply means that you must be careful and safe to protect your recovery. That’s why at Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, we work to prepare our alumni for life after treatment. This includes skills to reduce stress and prevent a relapse during the chaos of the holidays. We also offer therapies that help our alumni set boundaries and communicate with their loved ones. Our goal is not just for our alumni to remain in recovery. We also want our alumni to enjoy life to the fullest. To learn more about sobriety and relapse prevention, call Driftwood Recovery today at (512) 759-8330.

It’s clear to see how supportive housing and other community integration programs have made a real difference in the lives of clients recovering from addiction and substance abuse. In the past, finishing treatment was considered the end of the recovery journey. However, this often left vulnerable alumni without support. Without this support, many were prone to depression, anxiety, and relapse. 

To prevent this outcome for their alumni, many mental health care and addiction treatment facilities began to utilize what is known as supportive housing. With this safety net in place, clients and alumni can practice their coping skills in a supportive environment with the help of professionals. Driftwood Recovery is no different with its supportive housing program. With a secure place to live and continued peer support, it gives alumni the training they need to succeed. 

Most people are unsure of what happens in supportive housing. For many, it might seem like a vacation from an outsider’s perspective. But in reality, it’s an essential treatment tool that makes a clear difference in the lives of those in recovery.

What Happens in Supportive Housing?

For most, supportive housing is just like being in a home. How big this housing is or how many people are there varies. For Driftwood Recovery, clients utilize an actual house with shared bedrooms. Clients share common spaces with other clients in a situation akin to having roommates in a dorm or an apartment. They are expected to perform normal household chores to keep their spaces neat and healthy. Overall, it’s just like being in a home.

However, clients are still in treatment and will participate in therapeutic activities throughout the day. Though not as intense as residential treatment, those in supportive housing will still meet with mental health and medical professionals. Individual therapy, group therapy, craving management, and relapse prevention are all important activities in supportive housing. 

Clients in supportive housing are not prisoners. Though some may be recommended to stay close to professionals based on their current health, all residents are free to leave the premises. It’s not uncommon for residents in supportive housing to go on day trips or accomplish simple tasks such as shopping. All of these are considered training for life outside of treatment. 

Why Is Supportive Housing So Successful?

As a program, supportive housing is a vital tool in preventing relapses and preparing clients for normal life. Simply telling an alumnus that they are done with treatment doesn’t prepare them for the immediate turmoil of normal life. Alumni have to resist a large amount of pressure to use once more and may not have a loving familial support network to take them in post-treatment. For many, they worry that they aren’t strong enough to deal with normal life without the safety net of treatment. 

Supportive housing solves these issues by giving clients training wheels for normal life. Clients in supportive housing still perform home chores and duties, but they can also go to work or school. Learning how to balance these duties on top of preserving your sobriety cannot simply be taught. It must be experienced, and the client must have opportunities to practice what they have learned in real-world situations. It’s much safer for a client to have supportive housing to return to after a particularly hard day than to be alone and risk a relapse. Having access to peer support who can keep each other accountable is also a perk of supportive housing, allowing clients to keep each other on track.

Some addictions carry lasting scars and require medical intervention for a successful recovery. Drugs such as alcohol and opioids will cause strong cravings for months to even years after detox. Knowing how to handle these cravings or any medical issues resulting from an addiction takes time and oversight. Having medical personnel available as part of supportive housing trains clients on how to care for themselves on their own. Eventually, clients leave supportive housing as strong and capable people.

The Driftwood Recovery Approach

Supportive housing is just one of many essential treatment programs featured at Driftwood Recovery. We believe that our clients are capable of great things if allowed to thrive. As a result, clients using our supportive housing program do so knowing that they will be cared for. With a focus on safety and security, clients can utilize supportive housing while maintaining their privacy. Our supportive housing buildings are simply normal houses with professionals at the ready. An average person looking at a supportive housing building would never be able to tell that it’s anything other than a simple house that people live in. Clients come and go easily with little fuss, perfect for clients who wish to recover without scrutiny.

Those utilizing Driftwood Recovery’s supportive housing program also enjoy access to continued compassionate and high-quality mental health care and addiction treatment. Clients recovering from addiction and any co-occurring disorders do so under the guidance of top professionals utilizing the latest in holistic, evidence-based treatments. Though not as intensive as a residential treatment program, supportive housing is designed to provide enough support to help you stay stable but allows you to practice what you know. With other supportive programs that help with work and school, clients get everything they need for a successful recovery.

Supportive housing, in the end, is a stepping stone. It allows clients to get a feeling for life in recovery and prepares them for common pitfalls they may encounter. With supportive housing, however, clients don’t just gain support. They gain a community that will be there for them every step of the way for the rest of their lives. 

Those who have completed or are currently in addiction treatment have learned the skills needed to remain in recovery. However, jumping right back into previous obligations can make a client feel apprehensive or even frightened. To ease this transition back into normal life, Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, offers a supportive housing program. This program involves clients living in housing created by Driftwood Recovery while they finish treatment. Supportive housing allows clients to practice the skills learned in treatment in a real environment while being safely monitored and helped by medical and mental health care professionals. To learn more about supportive housing at Driftwood Recovery, call (512) 759-8330 today.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 46.3 million people meet the criteria for substance use disorder (SUD). However, of those 46.3 million, 20.9 million are recovering or in recovery. Therefore, understanding and supporting life in recovery is invaluable to helping people reintegrate into their lives and communities. Through continuing care found in an alumni program, resources and services like the value of therapy become apparent. 

At Driftwood Recovery, we recognize that ideas about recovery come with a complex set of predispositions and assumptions. Those predispositions and assumptions about recovery can impede your ability to reintegrate and build the courageous life in recovery you deserve. We are dedicated to providing education and guidance through connection and service to meet your physical, psychological, and sober needs to maintain recovery.

Yet, you may question how therapy can continue to support you in recovery. You already went through therapy in treatment, so what could therapy offer you now? Understanding how therapy functions can provide greater insight into the value of therapy for recovery.

Types of Therapy Offered During and Post-Treatment

Challenges with addiction are complex, and treatment needs to be tailored to meet the individual needs and experiences of each person. Thus, there are various therapy options utilized to support and treat a variety of challenges with addiction. As stated in Addiction Psychotherapeutic Care by Han Yue and Eduardo Pena, psychosocial interventions like therapy are crucial to addiction treatment. Through psychosocial interventions, a greater understanding of the social, environmental, and psychological factors that contribute to SUD is found. 

Listed below are some of the psychosocial interventions that can be utilized during and post-treatment:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectal behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy

While everyone’s needs are different, the value of therapy can provide a foundation for healing and managing daily life. Despite the benefits of therapy experienced in treatment, many people avoid or see no value in therapy beyond treatment. 

The Why Behind Therapy Avoidance in Recovery

Awareness of the prevalence of mental health disorders among the general public has grown substantially. Greater awareness of mental health disorders is made clear in the growing number of people living with one or more mental health disorders. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among adults in the U.S., 58.7 million are living with a mental health condition. Further, the CDC notes that another 14.6 million people are living with serious mental health conditions like major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. 

For those in recovery, post-treatment therapy is often recommended as a part of continuing care. Yet, many, including those in recovery, continue to have unmet mental health needs. Unmet mental health needs in recovery can stem from several factors, but avoidance is a common barrier to the value of therapy in recovery. Some of the reasons why you may avoid therapy in recovery include:

  • Feeling certain that you have overcome all mental health challenges
  • Believing the tools you learned in treatment alone can resolve any challenges you encounter
  • You are convinced that you have too many responsibilities and obligations to go to therapy
  • Feeling certain that additional treatment would not be helpful
  • Post-treatment life can amplify reminders of mental health stigma

Avoiding therapy post-treatment can be detrimental to your well-being. Thus, expanding your awareness of the value of therapy can highlight the importance of continuing care in recovery.

Value of Therapy for Sustained Recovery

Many recognize the value of therapy in treatment due to the prevalence of co-occurring SUD and other mental health conditions. Yet, the value of therapy is often overlooked as an invaluable continuing care tool for sustained recovery. As noted in Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, continuing care is an important component of a dynamic recovery process. Some of the ways continuing care tools support recovery include:

  • Maintain abstinence 
  • Relapse prevention
  • Access to other support resources
  • Linking community support 
  • Address interrelated recovery challenges
    • Employment
    • Housing
    • Support network
    • Sober recreation
    • Meaningful and fun hobbies and activities
  • Skill building
  • Self-management
  • Goal setting
  • Identifying barriers to goals
  • Methods for overcoming goal barriers
  • Mental well-being

Therapy can be another continuing care component to support your life goals and long-term wellness. Listed below are some of the benefits therapy can offer in recovery:

  • Provide education about addiction, relapse, and recovery
  • Develop healthy coping and communication skills
  • Build a support network
  • Greater self-awareness and self-understanding
  • Increase self-esteem, self-confidence, and motivation
  • Improve sense of purpose and belonging
  • Manage mental health symptoms
  • Provide accountability

Looking at the value of therapy alone highlights continuing care as vital to recovery. Despite the value of therapy, individual avoidance or overconfidence are not the only barriers to therapy in recovery.

Addressing Barriers to the Value of Therapy

There are external barriers to therapy that attempt to impede your access to resources for sustained recovery. Some of the other barriers to resources like therapy you may encounter include:

  • Stigma
    • Shame
    • Fear of judgment
  • Concerns about confidentiality and trust
  • Poor access to resources
    • Transportation
    • Geographical isolation
    • Financial insecurity
    • Structural inequalities
      • Sex and gender identity
      • Race and ethnicity
  • Lack of inclusive support services
    • Trauma-informed
    • Gender-responsive

Despite the presence of structural barriers, access to a strong alumni program can help overcome barriers to thrive in recovery.

Finding the Value of Therapy in Alumni at Driftwood Recovery

With a vibrant alumni program, you not only have access to therapy. You can access a range of continuing care services and resources that more effectively integrate community for enjoyment and a sense of meaning and purpose in recovery. At Driftwood Recovery, we are dedicated to providing a peer-driven network where you can find compassionate support, accountability, and guidance to maintain recovery. We provide a wide range of services and resources like recovery education and weekly meetings and events no matter where you are on your recovery journey. With support, you can build a courageous life in recovery.

Overconfidence, avoidance, and structural barriers often impede investing in the value of therapy for sustained recovery. However, more awareness of continuing care can showcase the value of therapy in recovery. Access to continuing care supports relapse prevention, skill building, goal setting, and addressing other recovery challenges like unemployment and unstable housing, among other support tools. Further, continuing therapy post-treatment can specifically support recovery education, healthy coping skills, self-esteem, and building a support network. At Driftwood Recovery, we are dedicated to providing a peer-driven network where you can find compassion, service, accountability, and guidance to meet you where you are on your recovery journey. Call us at (512) 759-8330 to learn how therapy can continue to support your recovery.

Many people are currently struggling with sleep disorders. In 2022, it was estimated that 13.5% of adults aged 18 and older felt exhausted on most days. The blame for this lack of essential sleep comes from varied sources, such as people working long hours in demanding fields such as medical care. However, most of what is causing these low rates of sleep are sleep disorders. These sleep disorders don’t just cause poor sleep; they can also greatly impact a person’s physical and mental health.

That’s why at Driftwood Recovery, we treat sleep disorders as seriously as any other mental health condition. With a focus on quality holistic treatment, clients don’t just get care for their conditions. They can also get a full night’s sleep. 

To understand the role sleep plays in our health, we must first examine what sleep disorders are.

A Brief Overview of Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are defined as a condition that affects the quality, amount, and time of sleep you can get at night. Having too little or too much sleep can cause a cascade effect on a person’s ability to function. Some common examples of sleep disorders are:

  • Insomnia
  • Restless legs syndrome
  • Narcolepsy
  • Sleep apnea
  • Parasomnias

Sleep disorders are caused by a myriad of reasons, many of which are beyond a person’s control. Some of these common causes are:

  • A symptom from a medical or mental health condition such as asthma, depression, chronic pain, or anxiety
  • Genetics
  • Working night shifts
  • A side effect of certain medications
  • Using substances before bed, such as caffeine or alcohol
  • Poor nutrition which can cause a decrease in essential chemicals or minerals in the brain

It’s important to be aware of how much sleep you get in a night. Adults need between seven and nine hours of quality sleep each night to function properly. If you notice that you are tired no matter how much sleep you get, cannot fall asleep, or experience cognitive and physical decline, it’s time to seek help.

The Role of Sleep on Health

Sleep is essential for everyone, not just those in recovery. However, having sleep disorders such as insomnia can play a significant role in the quality of your life during and after treatment. Treatment and recovery are hard work, and clients need sleep to heal properly and rejuvenate for the next day. Without sleep, a person’s cognitive abilities begin to decline. It makes it difficult to think and concentrate. People with poor sleep may also struggle with distress tolerance, making them feel irritated or depressed.

Part of treatment at Driftwood Recovery is ensuring that the client will have the healthiest life possible post-treatment, as sleep disorders can cause problems for physical health as well. Those with consistently poor sleep are more at risk for conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even dementia. Poor sleep results in poor reaction times, leaving those with poor sleep more prone to accidents and harm. In rare cases, conditions like insomnia can even be life-threatening. 

A person struggling with a sleep disorder can’t concentrate on treatment. They also are more likely to experience a relapse, as being tired lowers mental resilience. Sleep disorders lower mood and generally make someone feel awful. It’s no way to begin or remain in recovery. Luckily, there are ways to treat sleep disorders that give those who struggle with them a new lease on life.

Treating Sleep Disorders at Driftwood Recovery

At Driftwood Recovery, we know how important sleep is for a healthy mind and body. Clients with sleep disorders have access to quality and comprehensive treatment designed to help them sleep well. Exactly what treatments or therapies are used depends on the particular sleep disorder and its severity. For general sleep care, clients are taught about nutrition, exercise, and sleep hygiene. Engaging your body in exercise, eating a healthy diet, and training your body to have a healthy nighttime routine can often be enough to help with mild sleep disorders.

For more severe disorders, such as insomnia, clients utilize cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as a way to manage their condition. CBT uses techniques such as sleep journals to help clients track their sleep quality and identify potential triggers that affect it. Medications may also be used to help a client’s body establish a new sleep schedule or treat underlying disorders causing the sleeping problems. For example, anxiety often causes symptoms such as a racing mind and heart, making it difficult to sleep. Anti-anxiety medications can quiet the mind and body, allowing the client to fall and stay asleep.

Driftwood Recovery has access to several experts in the mental and medical healthcare field, one of which is sleep experts who can perform sleep studies. These studies take place overnight and observe how a client sleeps. In many cases, these diagnose a client with sleep apnea. This disorder is treated through the use of a CPAP machine, allowing the client to have uninterrupted breathing during the night. Driftwood Recovery doesn’t just treat sleep disorders; we help clients get a diagnosis. For many, they struggle for years without knowing why they feel so tired. Having access to a valuable diagnostic tool such as a sleep study solves this mystery and paves the way for specialized care.

Overall, Driftwood Recovery doesn’t only provide treatment. We also help clients learn the skills needed for a healthy life. Establishing healthy habits now ensures not just an easier time in treatment but also allows clients to have a successful and continuous recovery. 

Having a sleep disorder can have a profound effect on a person’s mental health. A lack of or too much sleep can also take a physical toll on a person’s physical health. In serious cases, sleep disorders like insomnia can result in hospitalization if treatment is not sought. That’s why at Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, sleep disorders are treated as seriously as any other mental health condition. With an emphasis on holistic and comprehensive treatment, clients can learn ways to obtain restful and healthy sleep. If you or a loved one is struggling to get healthy sleep, don’t wait to get help. Learn more about our treatment plans at Driftwood Recovery by calling (512) 759-8330 today.

It is a normal part of growing up to discover who you are and find your identity. Finding a healthy identity can be difficult, as peer pressure and other factors work to make you second-guess yourself. These difficulties can be compounded by addiction and other conditions, which can bury your true self under pain. For many, they may have their addiction and recovery become a core part of their identity. However, there is more to a person than their struggle.

That’s why at Driftwood Recovery, a holistic treatment philosophy is utilized to heal all aspects of a person. This includes a person’s spirit or inner self, alongside the mind and body. The inner self is essential for achieving and remaining in recovery. It’s one thing to learn and practice the skills needed for recovery. To find your identity, however, gives you reasons to want to stay in recovery.

Why It’s Important to Find Your Identity

Identity is defined as the sense of self that encompasses one’s experiences, relationships, memories, and values. An authentic identity means to accept who we are and the values that are important to us. As we grow, we are influenced by our parents, guardians, and peers during childhood. Adolescence is a vital time in identity development, as we experiment and try out new things that shape the adult that we hopefully want to become. Three tasks help a person form their identity. These three tasks are:

  • Discovering and developing your potential
  • Choosing your purpose in life
  • Finding opportunities to exercise this purpose and further develop your potential 

It’s vital to find your identity because lacking a purpose or feeling as though you have no potential can be psychologically damaging. It happens a lot with young teenagers and adults, who worry that they have no identity or purpose. They may begin to experiment with drugs or alcohol to feel something positive or numb negative feelings. Having no dreams or goals leaves little reason for someone to want to seek help for addiction. To find your identity means that you find yourself worthy of help and compassion. 

Recognizing That Addiction Is Not an Identity

Even while in treatment and recovery, it’s still important to find your identity. It’s tempting for some to make their addiction an essential part of their personality. However, a common fact shared by those who struggle with addiction is the lack of a drive or purpose. Sometimes, this occurs after a great loss, such as losing a job or the death of a loved one. Though identities are flexible and forever changing, making addiction a part of your identity is unhealthy. Addiction is a painful condition and, if left unchecked, can lead to dire consequences.

To find your identity requires trial and error to find the things that give you joy. Addiction robs a person of this choice by consuming their thoughts. It’s hard to find joy in life when it’s a constant cycle of obtaining your next hit, getting high, and recovering from the high. There’s been a movement of people, usually adolescents, making recreational drugs and alcohol a part of their identity. In these instances, they are stifling their potential, which will lead to needing more drugs or alcohol to feel “right,” often leading to addiction.

People who overcome addiction deserve to be celebrated. However, they also deserve to live. Finding peace, healing, and happiness are all goals every mental health care professional has for their clients. Many alumni may choose to involve recovery as part of their purpose, going on to help others achieve and stay in recovery. This is perfectly fine, as it is not the same as viewing addiction as a personality trait. When you find your identity outside of addiction, you truly begin to live.

How Driftwood Recovery Helps You Find Your Identity

Driftwood Recovery helps you find your identity by making identity an essential part of its addiction treatment programs. Clients find themselves exposed to diverse groups of people from all walks of life. There, clients may encounter ideas and values they may have never seen before. Speaking to staff also helps clients connect with different people, widening their worldview and showing them a life beyond addiction and pain. 

Therapeutic activities such as therapeutic recreation, art therapy, and yoga allow clients to participate in fun activities. Along with a large campus, mostly covered in nature, clients are exposed to the outdoors and all its splendor. It has been scientifically proven that nature has a positive impact on mental health, and so too can it be on a developing identity. Clients who may have been nervous and withdrawn may find themselves drawn to exciting activities, such as rope work and obstacle courses. The wider the range of activities, the more a client can try.

Driftwood Recovery knows how important peers are to shaping our identities. That’s why clients are encouraged to participate in activities that grow and nurture positive personality traits. Compassion, empathy, understanding, and more are learned through team-building exercises and group meetings. With a robust alumni and peer network program, clients can see proof that they, too, can succeed. Sometimes, to find your identity, you need to know that it’s an achievable goal. 

Clients who feel lost can find guidance in a compassionate staff member or treatment provider. There is never shame in needing help. A person is never too old to wonder about their identity or seek to discover it. Having times when we wonder if we have an identity of all is a normal part of life. Access to quality mental health treatment, however, makes this process a little easier on ourselves.

It can be difficult for one to figure out who they are at the best of times. When a person struggles with addiction and other conditions, it’s difficult to separate them from their true self. At Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, clients take the time to discover who they truly are. Through specialized therapies, clients build confidence and positive self-worth. Though struggle and recovery may be a chapter of your life, it’s not the whole story. Finding your inner strength and what brings you joy is equally as important as recovery. To learn how you can discover your true self, don’t wait. Call Driftwood Recovery today at (512) 759-8330. 

Recovery is a lifelong process of change, and rebuilding your life does not happen overnight. However, you can rebuild your life and recover the self by fostering purpose and meaning. You can find purpose and meaning by working on the different domains of your life that may have been disrupted by substance abuse and other mental health challenges. Power in education, in particular, can be incredibly valuable to support your ability to rebuild and thrive in other domains of life, like work.

At Driftwood Recovery, we know access to support through services and resources in an alumni program can turn clinical insight into action. The action of clinical insight is not born solely out of treatment but the willingness to open yourself to learning and growing in every domain of life. Thus, power in education can be an integral part of the recovery process. Through the power of education, you gain access to tools that can help you unlock deeper recesses of the inner self. With greater self-understanding comes positive change inside and out to help you heal and lead a self-directed life.

Despite the potential advantages found in power in education, pursuing education can be daunting. You may have previous experience in school settings that left you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. In some cases, school-related stress may have contributed to your self-medicating with substances to cope. Thus, concerns about putting your recovery in jeopardy if you return or start your education are understandable. However, with the support of alumni, you can reduce the risk factors found in educational settings and thrive in power in education.

Expanding your awareness of stress and co-occurring disorders on college campuses is an important step toward building a healthy plan for your education.

Stressed Out: Impact of Stress on Recovery

Stress is a common trigger for addiction relapse and mental distress. Yet, stress is a normal part of life and even works as a useful survival skill. Thus, it is impossible to lead a stress-free life as stress pops up in your home, work, and school life. However, stress becomes a problem and a risk factor when you lack the tools for healthy coping. College, in particular, can be a significant source of stress as you navigate deadlines, social relationships, and exposure to substances. 

The Presence of Co-Occurring Disorders in College

Attending college can be a stressful time for any student, but there has been a surge in reported mental health disorders among college students. According to “College and University Response to Mental Health Crises” from Mental Health America (MHA), an estimated 26% of people 18 and older in the U.S. have a diagnosable mental health condition. Academic performance and well-being are greatly diminished by untreated mental conditions. For many students, challenges with stress and mental illness also contribute to substance misuse. 

As noted in “Monitoring the Future” from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), young adults had a historically high prevalence of substance misuse like vaping and alcohol. The prevalence of substance use during college is tied to multiple contributors, including party culture, academic stress, and mental illness. Thus, the risk for relapse among students in recovery makes addressing co-occurring disorders paramount. Some of the ways colleges are supporting mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) challenges include:

  • Communication about mental health and SUD
    • University-wide emails
    • Social media 
    • Educational and social events
  • Integrated training for faculty and staff
  • Community-based services
  • Collegiate recovery programs (CRPs)

Colleges are taking important steps toward supporting students both in and not in recovery with resources like CRPs.

Finding Power in Education With College Recovery Programs

Yet, what are CRPs? According to the Journal of American College Health, CRPs are campus-based communities of students in SUD recovery. With professional support, CRPs create a peer-driven network of students committed to maintaining their recovery and achieving their educational goals. At the university level, CRPs can support power in education through seamless access to resources like:

  • Sober events
  • Peer support
  • Sober housing
  • Stress management
  • Relapse prevention
  • Mutual support meetings
  • Crisis support
  • Financial benefits
  • Academic benefits

No matter where you are on your recovery journey, an alumni program can support your recovery. Through recovery high schools, CRPs, and stress management, you can thrive in recovery.

Learning to Manage Stress Through Power in Education

Whether you are ready to pursue a GED or higher education, there is space to grow. Leaning on the support of an alumni program can help you find power in education in other domains of life, like stress management. Listed below are some of the ways you can manage stress in school and your daily life:

  • Sleep routine
  • Eat nutritious food
  • Physical movement
  • Do hobbies and activities
  • Deep breathing
  • Meditation
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Plan ahead
  • Chunk tasks into manageable pieces
  • Seek professional support

While stress is a normal part of life and college, it does not have to jeopardize your recovery and well-being. With support, you can pursue your life goals, like higher education, to lead a meaningful and purposeful life.

Fostering Power in Education With Alumni at Driftwood Recovery

At Driftwood Recovery, we believe access to a wide variety of services and resources strengthens our therapeutic impact for lasting recovery. Alone, recovery can feel daunting, and it can be difficult to figure out how to move forward in other domains of life. However, with support, you can be empowered by education to thrive in recovery. Therefore, access to resources like CRPs and stress management is made possible by services in our alumni program. 

We believe in your ability to do courageous things for yourself, your loved ones, and the wider community. Thus, we provide access to resources like education consultants through our compassionate peer-driven network. Whether you want to pursue higher education, employment, or build relationships, you can find support to achieve your life goals with a vibrant alumni community.

Rebuilding your life in recovery can feel daunting, especially if you want to pursue higher education. College life can expose you to greater stress, substances, and mental health disorders that can increase your risk for relapse. However, you can find power in education with support resources and services like collegiate recovery programs (CRPs). Through a strong treatment alumni program, you have access to a peer-driven network and resources like education consultants to build a meaningful and purposeful life in recovery. At Driftwood Recovery, we are dedicated to providing a wide range of services and resources to meet you where you are on your recovery journey. Call us at (512) 759-8330 to learn how our alumni program can support you.

As we grow and mature, we learn several life skills to function as successful adults. Unfortunately, some slip through the cracks and don’t get the opportunity to learn these essential skills. There are many reasons why this may be the case. A person may have been isolated in their early development and youth, which prevented them from practicing social skills with their peers. Others may have struggled with underlying mental health conditions, which may have prevented them from successfully learning and practicing these skills. No matter the reason, everyone needs to learn these skills to succeed, especially those in treatment and recovery.

That’s why at Driftwood Recovery, every client has the opportunity to learn and practice these essential life skills. With the help of knowledgeable and compassionate mental health care professionals, clients also gain much-needed confidence. These skills don’t just make adult life easier for those who learn them. They also keep alumni in recovery and help those in treatment find success in their efforts.

Life skills, however, are a little more complicated than most people would think. 

What Are Some Common Life Skills?

When people think of life skills, they often think of a person being able to accomplish tasks such as cooking and writing a resume. These skills are, of course, vital to living a healthy and independent life and are important. However, these skills can be learned easily enough through online tutorials, school, or community resources. The life skills needed for recovery are a little more tricky to learn if they are not directly taught when young. 

To be specific, life skills in this context refer to a person’s ability to adapt positively to difficulties and navigate relationships healthily. Relationship-wise, a healthy person should be able to handle criticism, effectively community, assert their needs, cooperate, and display empathy. When it comes to difficulties, a person should be flexible and resilient, think critically, make healthy decisions, and problem-solve. A person should also be self-aware and be able to think creatively, recognize their emotions, and manage themselves and their time.

This applies not just to life but to treatment and recovery as well. Skills such as mental wellness, stress management, and relapse prevention are all considered life skills. It’s also important for clients to be able to reflect on their recovery journey and be honest with their treatment provider. Of course, not everyone goes into life or treatment automatically learning these skills. This is why, at Driftwood Recovery, clients receive instruction on how to utilize these skills during and after treatment. 

How Does Driftwood Recovery Teach These Life Skills?

Driftwood Recovery utilizes several therapies and programs to teach clients essential life skills for recovery. There is traditional psychotherapy, or talk therapy, that is effective in helping clients break through the walls they put up around themselves. This also helps clients connect to themselves and be more self-aware of their actions and choices. Clients also learn how to care for themselves by learning about nutrition, exercise, and wellness to maintain a healthy body. Learning to work with others and gain confidence is also important, so clients participate in activities that foster teamwork, communication, and understanding,

The goal at Driftwood Recovery is not to force clients into learning these skills. Instead, clients learn these skills organically through activities that encourage these skills. Of course, some skills, such as relapse prevention, require an active workshop and teaching to get correct. However, clients learn important communication skills through interacting with their peers and alumni. Programs such as the courageous family Program further help interpersonal skills by providing healing for struggling families. 

Of course, the most important life skill learned at Driftwood Recovery is that each person matters. There is something special and strong within each person. Sometimes, it is difficult to see, but it becomes easier to recognize it with the support and encouragement of compassionate and understanding staff. 

Establishing a Foundation in Recovery

The life skills learned at Driftwood Recovery are useful not only in treatment but also in are essential in keeping someone in recovery so they can enjoy their sober lives. The introspective skills allow alumni to examine themselves and recognize when they require further help. Skills that involve communication and relationships allow one to maintain a healthy support network. Resilience allows one to choose healthy coping skills over unhealthy ones. All of these life skills come together to create a healthier and more robust individual. 

It’s also essential to help alumni recognize the dangers to their recovery and act accordingly. Peer pressure and toxic individuals can and will threaten a person’s sobriety if they are not careful. Recognizing your self-worth and being able to stand up for yourself does more to keep yourself in recovery than what you may have expected. 

Remember that it takes time to learn these life skills. Some people are lucky enough to have learned and practiced these skills while young. Learning them as an adult can be difficult but never impossible. Though it may be hard, never give up. In time, you will learn these skills and make them a daily part of your life. This effort is made much easier with the help of a mental health care professional. So, if you or a loved one is struggling, don’t wait. The best time to start is today. 

Life skills are essential to maintain a happy and healthy sober life during and after treatment. Sometimes, a person may fear being unprepared for life outside of treatment and worry about making mistakes or failing. To mitigate this issue, mental health care and treatment facilities work to make sure their clients are well-prepared for the challenges of life. Here at Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, clients learn these life skills through several methods. Through practice, guided instruction, therapeutic techniques, and shared wisdom from peers, clients gain the skills they need to succeed in their recovery. To learn more about how Driftwood Recovery can help you or a loved one prepare for recovery, call (512) 759-8330 today.

Suicidal ideation and self-harming behaviors may cause setbacks in treatment and recovery for clients with substance use disorder (SUD). Many individuals with suicidal ideation experience intrusive thoughts or compulsions during periods of increased stress, including early treatment. Clients may hesitate to disclose these thoughts and behaviors with their care team. Understanding how suicidal ideation and self-harming behaviors may affect patterns of thought and behavior can help healthcare professionals effectively treat clients. Driftwood Recovery ensures all staff members know how to recognize the signs of suicidal ideation or self-harming behaviors. 

What Are Self-Harming Behaviors?

Everyone reacts differently to stress, trauma, and other factors that may contribute to self-harming behaviors. A person’s support network, coping skills, and mental health all play an integral role in their recovery from substance abuse. Healthcare professionals use comprehensive assessments to determine what factors may impact clients during rehabilitation. Some individuals may report self-harming behaviors or thoughts, including suicidal ideation.  

A few examples of self-harming behaviors clients may exhibit during treatment include: 

  • Cutting 
  • Scratching to the point of injury 
  • Hair pulling 
  • Burning 
  • Hitting or banging 
  • Ingesting harmful substances or self-poisoning
  • Deliberately reopening wounds 
  • Biting
  • Scarification 
  • Unsuccessful suicide attempts 

Clients may engage in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) if they have difficulty processing or expressing intense emotions during treatment and continuing care. Part of treatment involves ensuring clients have the coping skills, tools, and resources to maintain emotional stability as they move through the various stages of recovery. 

Suicidal Ideation and Client Safety

Clients may find it challenging to discuss their self-harming or suicidal thoughts and urges. Studies have shown that “[i]f the person who has self-harmed finds it difficult to vocalise their distress when they are in need of care, support the person and their family members or carers (as appropriate) in trying alternative methods of communication (such as non-verbal language, letters, emotional wellbeing passports, and using agreed safe words, phrases or emojis).” 

Healthcare workers must recognize the warning signs and learn to communicate effectively with clients who struggle to speak about their intrusive thoughts or compulsive behaviors. Individuals working in healthcare find ways to effectively communicate with clients who struggle to talk about suicidal or self-harming thoughts. For example, clinicians may ask clients to write down their thoughts or journal about certain behaviors to establish a pattern. Recognizing the signs of client distress makes it easier for clients and clinicians to stay on the same page without causing additional stress. 

4 Indicators of Suicidal Ideation or Self-Harming Behaviors

Healthcare professionals receive training on how to identify signs of suicidal ideation or self-harming behaviors. However, sometimes, clients display subtle outward changes that indicate significant internal distress. Below are four potential warning signs of self-harming or suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

#1. Socially Withdrawing From Loved Ones

People who have close relationships with loved ones may begin to withdraw socially if they start to harm themselves or have thoughts of harming themselves. Individuals in treatment may avoid loved ones out of guilt or shame if they feel compelled to hurt themselves. Sudden social withdrawal may also indicate someone with chronic suicidal ideation has considered acting on their intrusive thoughts. Healthcare workers should carefully monitor client’s social interactions to make it easier for them to notice uncharacteristic self-isolating behaviors. 

#2. Frequently Talking About Dying

Individuals who frequently talk about death, dying, or wanting to die may have an increased risk of acting on suicidal or self-harming thoughts. Some clients may make throwaway or sarcastic comments about wishing they were dead or ways in which they may harm themselves. Healthcare workers should always take these comments at face value and monitor for other behavioral changes to determine if the client is a danger to themselves. 

#3. Secretive Behaviors Accompanied By Unexplained Injuries

Clients may begin harming themselves before or during treatment for substance abuse and mental health conditions. Often, clients try to hide when they hurt themselves due to guilt, shame, the stigma surrounding self-harm, or fear of getting into trouble. Staff members at Driftwood Recovery monitor client routines and behaviors to make spotting secretive behavior easier. 

Abrupt and unexplained changes in personal appearance are another possible warning sign of self-harming behaviors. Clients suddenly wearing layers or long shirts, even in warm weather, may be attempting to hide self-inflicted injuries. Often, clients provide excuses for the presence of bruises, cuts, burns, or other injuries. Staff members take a detailed client history during intake to ensure they can navigate conversations surrounding personal appearance and injuries without causing conflict. 

#4. Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harming Behaviors May Cause People to Give Away Prized Possessions

If someone with suicidal ideation or a history of self-harming behaviors begins to give away all of their prized possessions, it may indicate they plan to act on their thoughts. People who intend to seriously harm or kill themselves may see no point in holding on to cherished items, giving them away to loved ones or strangers. Some individuals who have attempted suicide reported giving away items with significant sentimental value very shortly before they took steps to end their lives.

Individuals experiencing substance use disorder or mental health issues have a higher risk of developing suicidal ideation or self-harming behaviors. In some cases, clients may not understand their own thoughts or behaviors. Healthcare workers must know what signs to look for and how to respond appropriately to ensure clients remain safe during treatment. Learning common warning signs of self-harming or suicidal thoughts and behaviors allows healthcare workers to intervene and provide support services. Driftwood Recovery ensures all clinicians and support staff know how to recognize the potential signs and how to effectively treat clients struggling with high-risk symptoms. To learn more about our programs and how we ensure client safety, call us today at (512) 759-8330.

Psychosis treatment is a mystery to most people. For many, the only places they have seen psychosis is within the media. There, those struggling with psychosis are often depicted as violent people. Popular media is also where the term “psycho” comes from when referring to someone behaving irrationally. Because of this, those who are struggling with conditions that cause symptoms of psychosis may be afraid to seek help. Countless people struggle in silence, which may include yourself and the people you love. 

Education about mental health and its symptoms is vital to our health as a nation. Mental health care and treatment facilities such as Driftwood Recovery have staff that work tirelessly to debunk harmful myths and combat stigma. The goal is not just to spread awareness about this misunderstood symptom but also to inspire hope in those who need psychosis treatment. 

To further this goal, here are some debunked common myths surrounding psychosis, how psychosis is treated, and who may experience psychosis in their lifetime. 

Myth: Psychosis Only Happens to ‘Bad’ People

Psychosis is a symptom that can occur in anyone at any time, regardless of sex, social status, and other factors. According to the psychosis fact sheet published by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), it’s estimated that between 15 to 100 people out of 100,000 develop psychosis each year. The causes of psychosis vary and can be caused by:

  • Exposure to extreme stress and trauma
  • Genetics and differences in brain development
  • Mental health disorders and conditions, such as schizophrenia
  • Drug and substance abuse
  • Sleep deprivation 
  • Some prescription medications
  • Diseases of older age, such as dementia

As you can see, psychosis is a symptom of an underlying cause. It is never the result of a person being ‘bad’ or a moral failing on their part. 

Myth: Clients Are Always Locked up and Cannot Leave in Psychosis Treatment

Those who enroll in a treatment program for psychosis treatment are not prisoners. Clients in outpatient treatment go to treatment centers during the day and then return home once treatment is completed for the day. Those in residential treatment programs live on campus during the duration of treatment, but they can still leave should they wish to. Most choose to remain on campus so they can get the most out of their treatment and relax away from the bustle of society. Driftwood Recovery especially focuses on having a private and safe environment that encourages healing and comfort. 

Clients are not simply locked up and never allowed to leave. This is a common treatment myth surrounding other conditions as well. The truth is that clients have rights that cannot be infringed upon, one of them being free to choose to leave if they truly want to. 

Myth: Psychosis Treatment Is All About Medicating You Into Compliance

The process of psychosis treatment may involve medication and medication management, but that’s not all that it is. Clients struggling with psychosis symptoms might utilize other treatment methods, such as psychotherapy, recreational therapy, and many more. 

In psychosis treatment, clients work to understand what triggers their symptoms of psychosis. They receive treatment for underlying conditions that increase the risk of psychotic episodes. The goal, in the end, is to give clients strategies that they can use to reduce or completely stop potential future psychotic episodes. 

Myth: All People With Psychosis Symptoms Are Inherently Dangerous

Perhaps one of the most dangerous myths of all is that people experiencing psychotic episodes are violent and dangerous. This is mainly the result of horror movies such as Psycho and many others. The fact is that psychosis is a temporary disconnect from reality. This means that a person experiencing a psychotic episode may hear voices or see (hallucinate) things that are not real. They may be convinced that something is true that is not. This unusual behavior may be frightening to others, which may make them fear that the person undergoing the psychotic episode may turn violent. 

Psychosis is more dangerous to the person undergoing the psychotic episode than it would be to another individual. Someone undergoing a psychotic episode may be unaware of the dangers and hazards that they would normally recognize. It’s easy for someone who is disconnected from reality to get seriously injured, especially those who are elderly or otherwise impaired. Psychosis treatment is essential to helping those who struggle with psychosis protect themselves from danger.

Myth: Psychosis Treatment Is Impossible

It’s possible for anyone, no matter who they are, to recover from the underlying causes of psychosis. Even those with a life-long condition can find the treatment they need to help them manage their condition. People can and do live full and happy lives while also living with a chronic condition. Psychosis is a scary condition, but with psychosis treatment, it can be managed or even eliminated. 

However, this state of recovery cannot be achieved without first asking for and accepting help. It’s valid to feel afraid or nervous to seek help. Mental health care professionals, though, work hard to provide a safe and welcoming environment to those in need of help. They will never judge, belittle, or harm you. Their goal is to help you, either by pointing you toward needed resources or enrolling you in a treatment program. 

Psychosis and psychotic episodes may be scary to an outsider, but it’s important to be understanding and empathetic to those who experience them. If you or a loved one is experiencing psychotic episodes, it’s okay to seek help. By debunking harmful myths and spreading awareness, we don’t just help ourselves. We also help those who are looking for help but need to know that recovery is possible, as shown by your example. 

Psychosis is a frightening symptom that can result from many different conditions. Those who experience psychosis often face stigma and fear due to its portrayal in popular media. Understanding what psychosis truly is educates the public and encourages those most in need of help to seek it. These symptoms, though scary, can be managed and recovered from. There is always hope, especially for yourself and your loved ones. Here at Driftwood Recovery in Driftwood and Austin, Texas, clients struggling with symptoms of psychosis find compassionate and comprehensive treatment. With a kind and understanding staff on board, no client has to fear judgment or belittlement. If you or a loved one is struggling, don’t wait. Call (512) 759-8330 today. 

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