Professional athletes face significant pressure to achieve a certain skill level and meet team goals. A desire to meet unrealistic goals may cause athletes to push themselves to develop maladaptive coping mechanisms, including substance abuse. The public-facing position of high-profile sports can strain a person’s mental and physical health. Chronic stress, sports injuries, and other factors increase the risk of professional athletes developing substance use disorder (SUD). Driftwood Recovery provides luxury treatment for professional athletes with SUD or dual diagnosis.
The High-Pressure World of Professional Sports
Professional sports is a public-facing job where individuals experience societal scrutiny and pressure. Athletes with a high risk of being diagnosed with substance use or mental health disorders may use high-risk behaviors to cope with the stress of being famous. The pressure to succeed also causes athletes to push their bodies beyond the limit, and some individuals may use alcohol or drugs to cope with the physical side effects. Treatment must address the underlying causes of addiction and provide clients with a safe and consistent way to manage the high-pressure world of professional sports.
Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use in Athletes
The warning signs of addictive behaviors may look slightly different for athletes compared to the general public. Some of the signs and symptoms of SUD in athletes include:
- Decreased athletic ability, performance, or motivation
- Sudden angry outbursts or unusual irritability
- Risk-taking and self-destructive behaviors
- Frequent injuries and prolonged recovery after an injury
- Physical symptoms, including bloodshot eyes, shaking or tremors, and flu-like symptoms
- Changes in appetite and noticeable weight gain or loss
- Self-isolating behaviors
- Overuse of painkillers
- Decreased interest in training or participating in competitions
- Low stamina and fatigue throughout the day
- Secretive behaviors
- Borrowing, stealing, or using manipulation to get access to substances
The mental and physical strain of competitive sports can profoundly impact an athlete’s psychological and physical health. Driftwood Recovery helps clients find healthy ways to heal from SUD and develop routines for managing stress related to the job.
Driftwood Recovery’s Comprehensive Approach to Athlete Wellness
The clinical team at Driftwood Recovery understands the importance of treating each client using the best tools to meet their needs. Athletes generally receive treatment options focused on physical rehabilitation, including integrative treatment involving physical therapy and pain management.
Some of the primary risk factors for addiction and substance dependence include:
- Chronic stress
- Workplace injury
- Performance anxiety
- History of substance abuse
- Family history of mental health disorders or SUD
Learning to effectively manage sports-related stress reduces the risk of relapse and improves overall health. Driftwood Recovery uses evidence-based and holistic therapies to treat substance abuse and mental health disorders.
Integrating Physical Therapy and Strength Training in Recovery
Driftwood Recovery customizes treatment plans to provide athletes with the support, accountability, and guidance they need to heal from the effects of SUD or dual diagnosis. Treatment programs tailored to professional athletes use integrative physical therapy, strength training, psychotherapy, and other modalities. Holistic approaches to managing chronic pain and sports injuries reduce stress and provide relief from pain.
Clients often use pain management therapies, including acupuncture, to manage symptoms while participating in strength training. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, “Acupuncture is a nonpharmaceutical therapy known to induce pain control, especially in the musculoskeletal system [. . .]. [S]tudies have shown that acupuncture changes the levels of neurotransmitters or hormones such as beta-endorphin, dopamine, serotonin, and cortisol and has a specific effect on the limbic system or emotional area of the brain.” Driftwood Recovery uses acupuncture and other treatments alongside physical therapy to address underlying health issues affecting clients.
Evidence-Based Treatment and Research-Backed Care
Rehabilitation programs at Driftwood Recovery combine psychotherapy, prescription medications, and sports medicine to provide a well-rounded and tailored care plan. Clinicians educate clients and their loved ones on the reality of addiction and prepare them for ongoing recovery.
The Path to Long-Term Recovery and Wellness
Preparing clients for long-term recovery and physical wellness involves addressing all underlying issues, active disorders, and side effects, including:
- Performance-related stress
- Sleep disturbances
- Relationship conflicts
- Emotional and physical fitness
Therapy and fitness exercises are crucial in addiction recovery for professional athletes.
Driftwood’s Intensive Outpatient Program and Aftercare Support
Community integration and peer support play an essential role in the treatment and ongoing recovery of athletes with SUD. The mutual support of group therapy and self-help meetings helps clients navigate social stigma and shame or other negative emotions caused by substance abuse. Outpatient programs and aftercare provide clients with excellent opportunities for using peer support to establish and maintain healthy boundaries, behaviors, and routines.
The community integration program (CIP) offers additional support and accountability. The clinical team uses tailored relapse prevention strategies to help professional athletes avoid relapse and create a healthy support network. Combining ongoing support and peer encouragement can help clients build a healthy foundation for the future.
Addressing Prescription Drug Addiction in Athletes
Controlled substances, including medications for pain relief, may cause people to develop SUD. After beginning treatment, athletes must find new ways to manage injuries or physical health issues. Pain management does not always have to involve prescription drugs. Alternatives to painkillers, including holistic therapies, provide profound physical and emotional relief. Avoiding unnecessary prescriptions for controlled substances reduces the risk of relapse for individuals in treatment and continuing care.
Ensuring Long-Term Success and Motivation in Athletes
Treatment programs provide clients with the tools they need to build lasting sobriety and positive mental health. Clients turn insight into action, preparing them for ongoing recovery. The peer support provided by treatment programs also encourages clients and their loved ones to take advantage of community self-help groups during treatment and ongoing recovery. By building a solid support network, athletes can avoid falling back into self-destructive habits.
Ensuring long-term success for athletes means addressing any potential issues or triggers they may encounter during aftercare, including:
- Injuries
- Social scrutiny
- Pressure to meet specific goals
- Relationship issues
- Triggering environments
Professional athletes are more likely to visit locations or environments that support alcohol or drug abuse. Avoiding those areas and maintaining a sober environment helps them develop healthy boundaries to support ongoing abstinence.
Driftwood Recovery — A Haven for Athletes Seeking Comprehensive Care
Athletes struggling with addiction or dual diagnosis benefit from participating in professional recovery programs tailored to their unique needs and preferences. Driftwood Recovery supports athletes during treatment by ensuring they have access to resources for establishing and maintaining healthy lifestyle changes.
Driftwood Recovery offers comprehensive dual diagnosis treatment programs for professional athletes struggling with addiction or mental health disorders. To learn more about our programs and how we can help, contact our office today at (512) 759-8330.